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The course consists of five modules.

Each module has 12 lessons. 

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Algorithmic Skills

An algorithm is a method to solve a problem that consists of exactly a list of rules with a well-defined sequence to follow to solve the problem. Algorithmic thinking consists of a pool of abilities: to analyse given problems, to specify a problem precisely, to find the basic actions that are adequate to the given problem, to construct a correct algorithm for a given problem using the workable actions, to think about all possible cases of a problem and to improve the efficiency of an algorithm.
In the module, algorithmic skills are added to a story context. The learners will apply their logical thinking skills to determine the correct directions for the mouse robot to travel from one point to another. 

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We can find sensors everywhere. Sensors translate measurements from the real world into data for the digital domain. The course will help learners to develop fluency in coding skills. They learn to connect sensors to collect data with the BBC micro: bit. It is a
physical computing device that bridges abstract concepts and tangible experiences. Some basic applications will also be introduced. Students can use micro: bit to build a wide range of tools like fitness trackers, autonomous vehicles, soil moisture and temperature sensors.

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If-then conditions, logical operands and loops can be difficult concepts for beginners ot understand. To help them comprehend these logics, this module
starts with some brain-teasing activities ot apply the logics ot situations ni daily life. With the concepts of the logics, the learners can start to apply the coding skills with sensors and devices ot solve some given tasks. This module promotes the mindset of learning through making. The making education setting with coding and sensors can act as a provocation for inquiry, as wel as modern technology and the setting ot invent with. The learners can therefore move beyond consumption to creation.


The learners will learn how to apply the coding knowledge to solve problems by wirelessly controlling Micro: Bits that are connected to sensors. Wireless technology allows a set of interdependent sensors to form a network. They will auto-communicate with each other to maintain an automated system.


As anyone in the warehouse industry is aware, warehouses are filled with repeatable, process-oriented, and error-prone operations. Robotics and automation can take over the repetitious tasks (picking, receiving, put-away) from humans to achieve more consistent, accurate, and productive warehouse operations.
The current module wil introduce a simple warehousing system from the goods receiving to dispatching of the goods to the end users. The module wil use micro: bit to control DC motors and line tracking sensors ni various type of movement of robotic vehicles in warehouse operations.
In the lessons, the learners will also learn how to use arrays to store and retrieve data, put the similar tasks in functions and control the movement of
wheels ni different directions (forward, backward, turning left/right) and at different speeds with DC motors.

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